Saturday, September 27, 2008

Tick Tock Tick Tock....

It has been the longest day of my life...or so it feels......its easily you let something just add on to your life and then when you..somehow..due to some reasons...not get it..for sonetime...the hands of that wall clock seem to be dragging on...terribly slow they are...

It has been such a long day......and even now the day does not seem to end...its just dragging on...I really cant wait any seems...I should'nt be so impatient, I know...but....somethings you just can't help.......


Harshit said...

Well, i can understand.. i mean ya...i mean you can read in the meantime...

Vatsala said...

:) arre every1 feels like this kya....the way a day just does not seem to end??? great....I can use sum tips then!!:)