Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Right or Wrong!!

5th sept 2006
Jus day of my life...even though i knew it would surely bring about changes i am unwilling to adapt to but will have to for the benefit of two very important people in my life. One was ME, myself while the other.....the other part of me!!!

Sometimes we stand at the cross roads of life...where we have to make a few decisions....sum tough ones...decisions that just might change our lives...decisions that are sometimes not so good while as sometimes they are The best!!!

It is hard to figure out which way to go..what path to choose....sometimes all that is required for you is to take a stand and leave the rest to the one above....and i know....i might not be His 'bestest' child but am not the worst either!!! I know He'll make sure i've made the right decision for both...

This is a tough day...a tougher night lies ahead....n probably toughest times.....I just hope to sail through!!

And most of all..I just hope the times ahead bring happiness and calm to 'us'.

P.S:: To whom it concerns
I hope the intention is understood...All the best....The moments will always be cherished..They'll always be special!!