Monday, April 09, 2007

Part I..

August 3, 2003
Where do I start from? I guess when you go to Gr. Noida everyday, you must begin from the begining..
I vividly remenber that bus ride from 37 to college with mum..gosh I know how scared I was that time...not cause that it was my 1st day to coll, but cause of the kinda buses I saw I had to travel by every day! Somehow we reached college..on time for 'orientation'...which never happened by the way!
I was dressed in normal jeans and a shirt..which turned out to be the 'out of uniform' style for college! Me and Shruti probably had this 1 thing in common that day, and thank god for that!
Day 1 was kind of ok...met a few seniors, who actually took care of me and was lucky enough to be ragged by a single guy, who probably just found an excellent listener in me, for all he did was speak about how I should approach college life..bla..bla..bla... Shruti had a far more interesting day than sure she will concur!
That was a day when I met so many people, some of whom I did manage to stay on with till date, some who just came, met and went....and further some, who were there for a good period of time!
The next day, I met more people....again the same old story...Its you u you stay together....all the ups and down still manage to hang on!
Those days...they were fun..when you look back now....
I think I would just fly past the next year or so....not cause the memories are not good...but cause they are too complicated to express and too 'with me only' to write!

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