Friday, August 29, 2008

Hope against hope hopen....

I never really liked this phrase - " Hope against hope hopen", though it always made that 'xing thing' sound..if you know what I mean....But it now seems that the 'xing thing' actually has become the 'jinxed thing' for me...

Do we actually hope against hope?? And what happens then?? Does the hope win or the 'against hope' part return victorious?? Silly questions with am sure no answers whatsoever!

Guess its just a state of mind that I am in right now, which aint that 'sunny'!!! Actually i am trying to contemplate whether it is me or the forces around which are not in the 'best of health and spirits'!!

To All Who End Up Reading This:: Kindly do not think a lot!! Just a phase when I write just for my understanding!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'hoping against hope'..we do a lot of that watching cricket matches that aren't going that well...
just a couple of minutes before the question paper is (was/used to be) handed to us that dreary dreary morning..
and the outcome swings both ways you know. doesn't mean you should give up on faith when time gets testing. never let your hope run dry..