Saturday, December 16, 2006

The extreme Me!!

Just passing by and i thought i might just stop by for a few lines...a few songs..and a cup of tea!!
Well readin the title anyone might feel that this one post is gonna be a "bragging about me" session!!But it is...."not exactly"!!

There were things that fascinated me..there were things I thought happened to a selected few...there were things i thought were just so far away from me...But the more I thought I was untouched,the more "huggingly" close they seem now!!

Am sure someone out there is already feeling-Here she goes again with her (sumtimes) depressing nonsense talks- but its not depressing...mayb a little "no-sense" talk!!

The thing is lately I've discovered a talent in me...this is a bew found one!!
"The was i swing like a pendulum from one xtreme to another"

I had this notion of being so calm...having this knack of being unfrazzed by anything and everything but now I've realized that I am turning more into an-Either/Or mode...Either I have it or I dont...Either I am happy or I am not..Either I do it or I dont....there seems to be no Maybe in my dictionary now!!

Not sure how good this attitude is...actually it Either is good or it is not!!or should I settle down at -Maybe it is not bad even if its not that good!! the end of this so called "post" am not sure how much "sense" will it eventually make even to me!!


Sachin Keswani said... when one learns driving ..for a while he/she likes driving from gear 1-2-3..before he gets bored..and wanna jump from 0-4...seems like phase 2 of life has started..when one makes bigger chunks of effort (discretely) after having put many smaller ones on the way..the analog way..and utimately becomng bored of the analog way..:)
Congrats for new-Self-discovery!!

Shashank said...

Well I remember a girl being commended by a 'boss' for being decisive and focussed unlike other girls... :)
You might have taken a little time to notice this this nuance, but these days you are slightly militant about self-awareness!(can't make an amused smiley!)

pourush said...

im sure the 'someone' doesnt always wish ppl stick to his opinion, long enough for him to realise what a jackass he was, to blurt them out in the first place!!..

the attitudez sure a welcome change however..the transient 'maybe' people hav grossly outnumbered the 'sure' ones, so one could definitely do wth some simple 'let gos' n 'i haves'..

Vatsala said...

well i agree....a few "let gos" here n there dnt always hurt!!!![:)]...they just are a little important sumtimes!!!![:)].....its like-being a little more "decisive" wont hurt either!![;)]

Vatsala said...

Shashank>> Hey i am no "militant" to self awareness or nething!!!!n no need for the "amused" amiley of urs!!!I still cant get over how you ruined my comment there!!(I know you know what I am talking about)[:-/]